Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Social Network: What did we do on the internet before Facebook???????

It was November 2004, I was sitting in a classroom at A&M reading the Batt before my class started and I saw a small add for something called 'the facebook'. I remember glancing at it slightly but moving on to the Fish comic and not thinking much at the ad until much later that day.

Enter my then roommate, Kalyn. I could have the facts a bit skewed but I recall Kalyn and I discussing this 'thefacebook' thing at home later that day and decided to figure out what the hype was all about. The world as we know it changed forever. Facebook became an obsession. I remember telling K that I was now checking Facebook before my e-mail, asking people in class if they had a Facebook, and saying "Hey, we should be Facebook friends!"

Things have slowed down a bit, but still Facebook has expanded
cross country and across the globe. There are FB apps, games to play on FB (sorry ppl, Farmville WAS addiciting!), and even a remote version of Zuckerburg's 'FaceMash' website--'Compare People' (You'll understand this more after the movie).

Naturally, I couldn't resist the chance to watch a movie about the creation of one of the most popular, relevant sites of my generation. The Social Network follows the supposed birth of what we now call Facebook (thanks for dropping the 'THE' guys, "It's cleaner"). Mark Zuckerburg, a sophomore at Harvard at the time, created a rudimentary site used to compare females on the Harvard campus. It's important to mention that he was highly intoxicated at the time and apparently just been dumped by a girl who went to BU (imagine that said with extreme condescension). The site got over 22,000 hits in less than 4 hours and crashed the Harvard server. This anomaly made Mark infamous to say the least, hated definitely, and drew the attention of the wonder twins (Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss). The Winklevie were hoping to have Mark write code for a website they intended to call "Harvard Connection," a social networking site primarily for meeting other Harvard 'edu'ers. Long story short and without giving away too much plot, The Winklevie's website didn't come to fruition by Mark's hands and lawsuits ensued.

Whilst Mark was supposed working on "Harvard Connection," he was really creating "Facebook." Supposedly, he also had the help of Napster creator, Sean Parker, a business associate (Trust Fund baby who got SCREWED), among other computer nerds, and interns.

How much of it is true? All members of the law suits (seems everyone wanted a piece of it but the end) were required to sign confidently agreements and could not disclose much information but it seems that most of the movie is rooted in truth. Word on the street is Mark Zuckerburg doesn't care for the portrayal of his character (probably bc it makes him like an ASS), but then again like the tag line reads :You don't get to 500 millions friends without making a few enemies. You've obviously pissed off some people Mark, but don't worry, us lowly state school people will be forever grateful to your contribution to our generation. ;)

Final thoughts: Intelligent, humorous, insightful. It's not the movie you drop what you're doing to see, but I wouldn't suggest you wait for the DVD either. Try it for Sunday matinee at the very least. You owe it to yourself.

Hey! Yep, still alive and kicking..'s been months. Sorry! I can't lie, I've was super busy traveling about this Summer, enjoying my time off, and just keeping to myself. Rather than recap the Summer though, I'd rather just move on. If you missed anything and want to catch up, call me instead. Haha :) Most of you were either there with me or read about it on FB so why bore the Blogosphere, right?

Anywho, I'm going to attempt to get back into the bloggage now that school has started back and subsequently settled back down. Not to mention I am now the owner of a beautiful, efficient piece of technology known as the MacBook Pro. :) I love it more than I could ever explain to you. Highly recommended piece of machinery. Just saying.

Hope all is well with all of you and stay tuned for more movie reviews and teacher diary updates. ;)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Movies as of late...

So, even though I've been busy I've managed to squeeze in a few movies here and there. These are the ones I've seen lately and think you'd be interested in:

If you're in the mood for something funny, violent, slightly obscene, yet endearing, check out Kick Ass. I went into this movie knowing nothing more than it was rumored to be funny and came out with so much more. It's filmed like a graphic novel come to life but not as dark as others of its kind like Sin City or Watchmen. My favorite character is his would be 'sidekick' Hit Girl. Some of the things that come tumbling out of her mouth make you gasp then double over with laughter. Definitely worth the matinee price at minimum.

In the mood for something a little more inspirational?? I had no idea what this movie was about but caught a preview on IMDB and couldn't resist checking it out. Amazing, Sandlot'esque film but with even more heart. Based on a true story of young hispanic boys growing up in Monterrey, Mexico who are in love with baseball. They form their own little league team with sticks as bats and twine as the ball. Then, they meet the man who would become their coach and against all odds but with the support of their community, and ultimately the underdog in all of us, their capture the hearts of everyone and accomplish the impossible. Films based on true stories are always fun to watch, because you know someone lived that plot line and survived. Just makes one that much more thankful for all we have and all we can become against all odds.

Things have been busy, that's for sure...

...or at least school has! I've been massively slacking in the blog writing department because the month of April has entirely consumed my life it seems. Started off the month with Easter, TAKS Reading and Math, then we heard we did well (in Reading at least~which means the class I'm directly responsible for), but nothing official has been released yet (keep your fingers crossed). Next we had yet another four day work week (Hallelujah!!), and next week is TAKS Science and Social Studies. I'll also be administering 7th Grade Reading and Math (Monday and Tuesday), so basically TAKS for four days. Shoot me. Is it May, yet??? Luckily, I have a few wonderful things to look forward to shortly after hell week. For example, in 40 days, including weekends~SCHOOLS OUT FOR SUMMER!

Then it's time for TrueBlood to come back to HBO~47 Days

Next, SoCal....

....AND LAS VEGAS~54 Days away!!

In between vacations, there will be a stop of at the theater to see The Twilight Saga: Eclipse~66 days away!

Lastly, but by far not the least, 8 Days aboard the Carnival Freedom on an Eastern Caribbean cruise with the family. I am so excited I may burst!

Now, I've just got to get to that point! Hurry UP SUMMER!!!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Vote for Chance!

Chance's puppy picture has been entered into MySA's Cutest Puppy Contest! Please help Chance win! Registration is free and only takes a few minutes! You can vote once a day. Thank you so much! Click here and scroll to number 45 for Chance!

Monday, March 15, 2010

SPRING BREAK!!!! Dinosaurs, movies, and poolside escapades...

Last weekend, Nathan and I had a blast being lazy, watching movies, then on Sunday we headed to the Witte to see the dinosaur exhibit! Here are a few pictures taken from my cell phone. I need to find my battery charger so we can take actual pictures again!

T-Rex outside the Museum

Kinda dark but I like these dinos!

Watch out Nathan! Velociraptor!

Tricerotops! His head is huge!!

Well, it is officially Spring Break, and let me tell you it is only one of the many things I LOVE about my job. I kicked off Spring Break with a movie (I know-shocker!). Christian and I went and saw Remember Me with Robert Pattinson, Pierce Brosnan, Emilie De Ravin, and Chris Cooper. Well not WITH them (we wish) but you get the idea. I'll warn you now there is no way for me to properly review this movie without giving away a little so here is your *spoiler alert*...skip down to the next paragraph if you don't want to see. I'll be the first to tell you I originally only had an interest in the movie because of Robert Pattinson (he's from Twilight for those of you out of the loop) and the fact that the Eclipse trailer would be part of the previews. However, it became so much more than that. The movie starts a bit slow, then gradually captures your attention. While you're busy rooting for the underdogs to fall in love, your logic is frantically trying to piece together the little clues it's being dropped. Let's see if you can figure out where I'm going with this before I flat out tell you. The movie begins in 1995, (RP's brother Michael commits suicide this year when he turns 22), RP's the one who finds him and it's tragic. His brother was a talented musician who gave it up to work for their father (a prominent Lawyer with his own firm in a VERY nice building on like the 30th floor). Next, it's now 6 years later, RP is about to turn 22, (see where I'm going yet), RP has a horrible relationship with his father (he blames him for the bro's suicide and his father completely ignores his little sister [who is WAY adorable but not well liked by her classmates cause she's uber nerdy]) BUT it begins to mend and he is convinced to meet his father AT his office to discuss some legal issues he's stumbled into. He's also in love with a girl and they are adorable together.'s 6 years later...makes it 2001...what happened this year people?? YEP, you guessed it. Not only does he die, BUT, he's in one of the TWIN TOWERS literally looking out the window as the plane is about to hit. It's shocking, disturbing, and honestly feels too soon. Christian and I sat there crying for at least 10 minutes. It completely blindsided us both and then hit all at once. Luckily, they don't show the actual image of the plane crash but it was hard to stomach nonetheless. Stay away if 9/11 effects you more than you realize. On the plus side though: the writers make you love the characters and enjoy the plot before it rips your heart out. I recommend it but plan to be prepared.

Saturday and Sunday were awesome! I spent all day Sat laying by the pool with Christian and friends drinking sangria and soaking up sun. Saturday night grilled turkey burgers (Christian has me addicted to this healthier treat) and we watched The Princess Bride, because SOMEONE had never seen it! I know! Sunday we resumed poolside sunnage and read magazines while listening to Pandora. When the sun went down we went to Cheezy Janes down on Broadway and had even more fantastic turkey burgers (told you I'm becoming obsessed) with her fam and friends. Once again, a movie capped our night: I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell. Interesting movie to say the least and welcomed because Logan from Gilmore Girls is in it (albeit a bit of a freak show character). Sadly, all good things must come to an end and poor C had to work today. Other than being a bit under the weather (which did not stop me from enjoying myself in the sunshine), it was a fantastic weekend! Can't wait to hang out again soon in the private oasis.

I am also very excited for a week of relaxation! Nathan and I will be getting massages, going to Disney on Ice, the zoo, and watching many movies! I can't wait! Hope everyone else is enjoying their time off and for those of you who don't get a week, I'm sorry, I'll try not to rub it in! Hahaha

Adios mis amigos,


Saturday, March 6, 2010

TAKS Simulations, Movies, and DRAMA!

It's been on of those crazy weeks at work. In anticipation of TAKS in a few weeks, my school had another TAKS Simulation. Let me just tell you, the kids they just LOVE testing all week over and over again especially when it doesn't even REALLY count for them. Sense the sarcasm? Probably because I feel their pain. While they are being forced to test, I'm being forced to meander around a room aimlessly making sure they do not cheat, aren't drawing pretty pictures, and aren't falling asleep. I can not sit, drink water, or even lean. If I stop moving and I'm caught, I'm toast. I get why they have us do this but when I was in school I don't recall teachers wandering around me during tests. It has to be a bit distracting! Oh well, ce la vie. I promise there is a point to this post.

Anywho, We've made it through SS, Science, and Reading. Monday is Math, and then four days later is SPRING BREAK!!! I haven't had one of those in years! SOO excited! Nathan will be coming down for the staycation, as it were, and we'll be seeing lots of movies, going to to the zoo, possibly Disney on Ice, and maybe Six Flags. Whatever we feel like doing to be honest. I can not wait for a little break. Honestly, I can't even believe it's already time for Spring Break. Feels like just yesterday I was packing my whole life up and moving to San Antonio. Now I'm practically a veteran. I can't wait for what looks like one of the best Summer's yet to get here.

Oh, I have to mention the tire incident on Tuesday. So, as I'm about to get to work I hear my car making this awful noise. You know, like your embarrassed of your car it's making such an awful noise. Well, I pull in, get out and see that tire is practically riding on the rim. Seeing as it's a testing day I can't exactly not go in, so I go in start the test and then they let me leave to try to save my tire. Stupidly, I think I'll try to take it to Discount Tire because it'll be free. Well, Discount Tire is only 4 miles away so I drive to the nearest gas station and attempt to put air in. It's there that I realize that's a hopeless effort and turn around. I pull in to the closest tire place there is (luckily the neighborhood my school is in is FULL of them) and then I see what my tire looks like now. That's when I took the picture. Literally, I drove all of 2 miles. I'm counting my blessings it didn't blow out on the highway and I didn't get stranded somewhere or have a wreck. That same day I was a witness to an assault on a teacher as well. Teacher is fine, kid is in juvie, and that's really all I can comment on.

If you talk to Nathan and I much at all you know we LOVE going to movies. It's our thing. Some films we've seen lately: The Crazies and Brooklyn's Finest. First, The Crazies. Originally I wasn't interested in this movie but made it sound scary and actually interesting so I caved. It wasn't bad exactly, but it isn't an instant classic either. I did scream a few times and jump. Though if you know how much of a wuss I am that isn't much of a feat. The plot was eh, it sets up for a bit of a sequel, and no one I liked died. All in all, I'd rent it, don't waste you're money at the box office.

Second, Brooklyn's Finest. Well, Ethan Hawke has seen better days, Don Cheadle is always a pleasure, and Richard Gere is downright depressing and twisted. All the cops are either dirty, messed up, or on the verge of suicide. Richard Gere does redeem himself briefly at the very end but that's the only high point of the entire story. Unless you need to feel worse about society and want to hurt yourself please avoid this movie. There's enough of this in the real world and no need to create more in the fictional one. SKIP IT.

Tonight, we're planning to see Alice in Wonderland in 3D at the IMAX. I'll be sure to share my thoughts soon.

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