Sunday, August 16, 2009

Movies of the Last week: 500 Days of Summer, A Perfect Getaway, and The Time Traveler's Wife

Better start reviewing, the movies are stacking up!

500 Days of Summer: I've been waiting and waitin
g for this movie to show up in College Station theaters for weeks. Finally, it arrived!! Single handedly my favorite movie I have seen this summer so far. That's including HARRY POTTER so you can see how much I liked it. Get there early, the opening bit is worth seeing for sure. The story travels along between Summer and Tom's meeting and subsequent courtship labeling each section with a day. It's not in sequence so don't freak out, but it shows you what you need to see on which day. My favorites by far: IKEA day number one, the day AFTER, and of course the last one (you'll see why and it's not what you think).

It's an artsy indie flick for sure, but not sappy. In fact, it's very honest and extremely relate able for just about everything. Oh, also, mini spoiler: Tom is a greeting card writer and after a fight with Summer, his cards get well, colorful. It's hilarious!

Here's a link to the day after scene if you've already seen the movie and want to watch it again. If not, don't worry it doesn't give away any storyline other than Tom being 'happy' the day after a night with Summer. Click here for can turn the commentary off as well.

A Perfect Getaway: Not your typical slasher, gore fest, boobs in your face horror movie. It'
s exciting, keeps you guessing, and waits until the last minute to explain itself. Little clues are dropped along the way, so if you pay attention you might figure it out. I figured out who the bad guys were probably about half way through, but it didn't make for an any less exciting movie.

If you haven't heard anything about this movie, here's the basic gist: boy and girl get married, boy and girl got to Hawaii for their honeymoon and travel to a smaller island to hike and camp, boy and girl hear about a murder of a newlywed couple on the big island, boy and girl meet people along the way and try to discover who the killer is before they become next.

Mila Jovovavich, think Resident Evil BADASS, gets on my nerves for most of the
movie. It's fine and all to be in love and sure you just got married, but tone it down a notch before we all hurl. She does however come through for us in the end with some general don't eff with me attitude. Thank you, now I have not completely lost respect for you Mila. Some no name characters play possible suspects along the way, with Timothy Olyphant, Scream 2 and the bad dude in Live Free Die Hard, cameoing as a nearly psychotic ex marine who is sometimes hilarious and other times down right scary/cool. He also looks insane with his shirt off. ;)

All in all: if you have some time and have already seen that movie
you've been waiting on to come out, then go see it. If you don't have endless amounts of time, wait for the DVD, I don't think this story will lose any oompth when you watch it from the comfort of your own home.

The Time Traveler's Wife: Bring the tissues and apply water proof mascara. I'm notorious NOT a fan of movies that make me feel an ounce of sadness (my theory is there is enough sadness in the world with adding fictional people's emotions to the mix), but this movie--I'm
almost at a loss for words. I haven't read the book, (it is however on order from and should be arriving in 3-5 days), but from what I understand it certainly measures up, though the ending is supposedly better in the book. From the minute the movie started I felt choked up and teary eyed. But it's not all emotional, there's some fantastic happy scenes, and lots of Eric Bana in the buff (apparently clothes do not travel), wonder how it was filming all of those scenes. Haha. There's not much I can say without giving out major plot points, but I will say this: GO SEE IT. Drop what you are doing, drag a girlfriend behind you, and get there early if you want to sit together. This movie truly moved me, it's the kind you out loud gasp, cry, and feel for. Scarlett Johanson's character is tough as nails and adorable to boot, Eric Bana, well I'm just happy to see him in something other the dismal Funny People, and the little girl, wow...gut wrenching.

If you happen to see any movie I review, please leave your thoughts and comments about the movie below!! Thank you!


TexasBobbi said...

Girl email me spoilers to all 3 we are broke and I want see all 3.

Rickie Michele Meredith said...

Check out You can download a video player (it's free for one month so make sure you cancel it),that downloads movies and tv shows, etc. Most of them are posted like the day after the movie comes out (highly illegal, BUT the video player is NOT). Usually fairly good quality and the demo version comes with enough bandwidth to download a few movies or so. Worth a shot!

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